I have always been a curious person which has allowed me the delight of pursuing many artistic mediums from oil painting to jewelry making, ceramics and of course, photography. But capturing the moment is something that was there in the very beginning. I fondly refer to my curiosity as "shiny object syndrome" because the many objects and sights appear to shimmer and call out to me before they fade away. I have learned to always have my Nikon ready to go because capturing them at that moment of shimmer is the gold for me. They are always my favorite photographs.
The thrill of the hunt always keeps me going and when I am not behind a lens, I am either elbow deep in oil painting, clay or soil in the Garden. Being compelled to creatively share in the moments that interest me is a joyful way to live.and I am grateful you've stopped by.
I'm even more grateful if I have inspired you to pick up a camera yourself and make a memory of something that makes you stop and take a second glance. Afterall, "Life moves pretty fast...".