It's safe to say that FLORAL is in the air for Spring, seeing as so many stars were sporting flowers on their gowns at last night's 2017 Sag Awards.

And our fave best-dressed star absolutely goes to Nicole Kidman...as a Parrot. LOVE!

Fave jewelry of the night? Kate Hudson rocking the "Huggie" diamond earring (they literally "hug" the lobe) -in several ways. The diamonds had an edgier appearance set in rhodium, and I loved every minute of them. I've been waiting for this style to make a comeback for some time now...Huggies are not (typically) heavy plus they are a perfect alternative to the tried and true Stud earring.

Now, I am off to dig out my own Huggies from the Jewelry box...
xox- Laura James
Photos: People
Huggies: Dana Rebecca Designs