It's always interesting to me to see how a Jewelry Trend starts on the Runway as a fantasy and emerges later as a staple! Trends may come and go, but they often do find their way down the chain, eventually, and I am going to have fun seeing where these Jewelry trends pop up this year...
Agates, Druzy, Stalagmite Crystals...a Mineral Jewelry moment is my favorite trend! I have been juxtaposing shiny objects with a touch of these rough, organic minerals in my own jewelry collections since the beginning:
Do you also love a big, bold statement earring?! This trend gives added leeway, so you can go out on a limb without a worry:
Finally, we're downsizing those 3" chokers of yesteryear and trading Goth for Glam with these wispy, delicate options:
They're here (did they ever leave?!) and they pack a punch...especially with their Pendants:
Now, I can't leave out the UFO Jewelry trend! That's right, there is such a thing. Think TOTAL FANTASY when you see this extremely Avant-Garde jewelry:
That's a wrap for today! Now, quick, go through your own jewelry collection and see what's trending...or pick up a new piece or two. :)
xox-Laura James
photos courtesy of Vogue Magazine